“pipeline cover photo” Learning new tech skills and software takes time and consistency. This post covers the process I followed to learn and implement a new technology.

Task: Install Jenkins via Helm and build a pipeline that builds and pushes a Docker image from a Gitea repository.

Step 1: Planning

  • Identify the steps and resources needed to deploy Jenkins
  • Determine the app to deploy
  • Determine the values needed for Helm
  • Research how to connect Jenkins to Gitea
  • Plan the Jenkins pipeline
  • Determine if additional Jenkins tutorials or training are needed
  • Plan for accessing Jenkins (VPN, Ingress, etc.)

Step 2: Code

  • Learn about Jenkins through watching YouTube content and taking Jenkins KodeKloud course (affiliate link)
  • Develop a backend API using Python Github link
  • Reference Jenkins’ GitHub documentation to install Helm
  • Connect Jenkins to Gitea using the Gitea Jenkins plugin and an access token
  • Write the pipeline code in a Jenkinsfile using either a Declarative or Scripting syntax

Below is a screenshot of Jenkins deployed via ArgoCD. “ArgoCD dashboard of Jenkins Installed”

Step 3: Build

“successfully connected Jenkins to Gitea”
With the prereqs completed it was time to:

  • Validate that Jenkins can see the Gitea repository
  • Build the backend API Docker image and push it to Docker Hub using the following pipeline code snippet:
# Jenkinsfile
    containers: [containerTemplate(name: 'docker', image: 'docker', command: 'sleep 1000')],
    volumes: [hostPathVolume(hostPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', mountPath: '/var/run/docker.sock')]){
    node(POD_LABEL) {
        def api 

            stage('Clone-repo-build-docker-image') {
                /* ensure repo is cloned  */          
                checkout scm

                /* This builds the actual image; synonymous to
                * docker build on the command line */
                    api = docker.build("myDockerHub/coffee_shop_api")

                    try { 
                sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
                sh 'pytest'
                    catch (exc) {
                echo 'Pytest tests failed'
            stage('Post to DockerHub') {

                docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerhub') {

The following is the outcome of the successful Docker build, and the Docker image is now available for download from Dockerhub. “Image of successful docker build”

These steps took place over the course of a week, working on each task daily for 60-90 minutes and focusing on completing one task before moving on to the next.

Consistency and enjoyment are key to sustained learning and success.S

In the next post, I will further discuss the CI/CD process.