The recap this week will be shorter than last week. I have a busy week ahead. So I’ll keep it brief this week.

However I wanted to speak on networking and learning in public.

Learning in public

Learning in public is such a good way to network with people. Chances are there is someone else who is studying something similar online or at work.

I have found sharing my learning journey online and in person led to connections and study partners.

My co-workers and fellow tech Twitterers have shared a few resources:

  • HackMe cyber security site with interactive labs

  • KodeKloud resource to learn anything cloud based with labs.

  • Pluralsight

  • Indeed offers resume reviews and writing resources


  • meeting new people and develop friendships

  • help others learn technical concepts

  • retention improvement. Sharing material online reinforces learning.

  • opportunity to write documentation and/or improve technical writing skills

  • and so many more.

Weekly Study Recap

I finished the “Becoming a Linux System Administrator” learning path on LinkedIn. A pretty cool course overall.

Most of the content for the course I was fairly familiar with.

Here’s a very useful CLI shortcut that I learned:

# copy last phrase 
ls /home/someuser/great_things_are_coming
cd !$
# will cd you into /hoe/someuser/great_things_are_coming 

Preparing for the OCI Developer certification test next week.

Completing 100 Days of Code with Python. I’m on Day 86 currently. I’m coding this at my own pace. (I’ve uploaded a few of my projects on my [github](GitHub - smiggiddy/100daysofcode: Showcasing projects from #100daysofcode challenge). Feedback welcomed)

In short, I’ll be finishing up the K8s posts, and other content once I pass the OCI Dev cert. (gotta be positive right)

Hope you have a great rest of your week!