Last week I finished the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer module and discovered the course is being retired.
Which means the OCI Dev certification has been updated and I will need to take the new course.
I took a practice test for the exam to see how I’d do and I failed with like 55%.
A score of 70% and up passes for the certificaiton.
I’m planning to learn the new curriculum and further develop my cloud infrastructure knowledge. The new course includes a lab section with 8 hours of labs. (something the current course lacked)
The labs is a nice add.
Oracle recommends 12 months of cloud experience before taking this certification. I do not have 12 months of cloud experience, though I have been using virtualization for a long time. So hopefully the labs will connect the dots.
Here’s some subjects I’ve taken this week :
FreeCodeCamp Docker Course
FreeCodeCamp Kubernetes Course
FreeCodeCamp DevOps Course
LinkedIn Learning Cloud Application Course
Numerous OCI blog posts
Reviewed Git / GitHub notes and created repo for [100daysofcode projects](link needed)
Provisioned an Ubuntu Desktop 21.10 qemu / kvm vm to run minikube
FreeCodeCamp Kubernetes class and a FreeCodeCamp Dockers class.
These FCC courses were great in introducing the container world in a clear way.
Some IaC (Infrastructure as code) practices are introduced.
I craeted a few Dockerfile’s, YAML file’s for configurations, and then deployed kubernetes (k8s) using deployment and service yaml files.
The docker course included free labs for hands on experience with docker.
Docker course notes
Here’s a few useful nuggets from this course: Docker containers only run while there is a process to complete and then exit. For example, a docker container that is used to calculate something will only run until the calculation operation is finished. Once the operation is finished the container exits. Docker images are used to load the code onto the container or instructions for the container Docker containers is where the code is executed, it’s an environment that is isolated from the main system.
Docker commands and options
docker run <image name>
#useful docker flags
-d = detached mode (run the container in the background)
-e = environment variables imported into the container VARIABLE=test
-p = map or use port forwarding for the container 80:5000
--name = how to name a container
# view all downloaded images
docker images
# view all docker containers
docker ps
docker ps -a # view all containers including stopped or exited containers
# delete docker containers must be stopped first
docker stop <container id or name>
docker rm <container id or name> # deletes container
docker rmi <image id or name> # delete downloaded images
# push my image to dockerhub
docker push smiggiddy/simple-hello-app
And those are of the few things I learned last week.
I’ve attached a full copy of my docker notes here: Download Notes