Everyone wants to secure the bag, but concepts that aid in building consistent study habits will allow continued career growth. And ulitmately a secured bag.

Foremost, it’s basically a requirement to continue to improve in the tech field. Every day there’s something new out.

Hello ChatGPT!

The problem for many is finding time to study can take time and effort. Consistent study and application are major, no matter which field, but fundamental in the tech field.

As someone, who values continued growth, I’d like to share some of the concepts I’ve used to build and maintain my study habits.

Buffet’s “2 List” Strategy

This idea came from a James clear blog post.

To summarize it, it starts with writing down 25 goals. The goals can be related to your career, this year, your family, or whatever you’d like.

Next, review the list of 25 and highlight the top 5 goals. (encourage you to pause and try it!)

Ask yourself about the items not circled.


You should avoid those tasks at all costs. They’re not paramount and only matter after the circled goals. I love this strategy and built a simple python web app around it.

Productivity Planner

Now that you have a focus list, it’s time to plan and build routines around it.

The productivity planner is vital for me in scheduling/time-tracking my tasks. It uses the Pomodoro technique for focus tasks. The Pomodoro technique allows a time block of focus, followed by a short break.

For example, a Pomodoro could look like 30 minutes of focus, followed by a 5-minute break.

This tool gives me freedom from locking in a set schedule time to do tasks; instead, I organize a timed session to complete a task.

Productivity Planner® - Be More Productive | Intelligent Change (Not an affiliate link)

Books around habit building books

These books have been vital in shaping my routines and habits. I reference them often and continue to find ways to refine my regimen.

  • Atomic Habits. James Clear is great and has one of the best systems for creating new habits and routines. I highly recommend reading it if you haven’t
  • Tiny Habits. Another habit book, but I found this book even more practical than Atomic Habits.
  • 12 Week Year. Hyper boosts your productivity in business as well as building other habits.

Learn from all sources

Of course, in the information age, you should research to validate the source. However, I suggest this lightly, but use many different resources to learn:

  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Kode Kloud (affiliate link)
  • Youtube
  • Books

Ultimately it is crucial to know what to focus on and what to avoid. That requires continued evaluation and will allow you to bring value to any situation. I wish you much success.