I see why SSH is called the poor man VPN. I recently stumbled upon this and have been using it to temporarily access some internal services hosted in the cloud.

A SOCKS proxy is an SSH encrypted tunnel in which configured applications forward their traffic down, and then, on the server-end, the proxy forwards the traffic to the general Internet. Unlike a VPN, a SOCKS proxy has to be configured on an app-by-app basis on the client machine, but you can set up apps without any specialty client software as long as the app is capable of using a SOCKS proxy. On the server-side, all you need to configure is SSH. - digital ocean article

To initiate the dynamic socks proxy add -D <chosen port> to your ssh command: set with the port you’d like to use for the SOCKS tunnel. ie ssh -D 53210

A more detailed explanation can be found here: Route web traffic safely without vpn