Google Automation with Python certificate was the doorway to returning to coding. It’s been years since I’ve programmed. I enrolled in a c++ course in college. It was challenging, but fun. Sadly my coding journey took a pause afterwards.

The idea of coding came around on a random job interview. He mapped out a few tracks for me and then I discovered the Google Certification.

The Google Cert is perfect for testing the coding waters.

The introduction course, the Python crash course is essential for those who are new to coding. The course goes over all of the basics to get started with Python. For example, datatypes, functions, object oriented programming, and essential programming content.

The other courses build upon that foundation, learning to interact with Python and different operating systems. Version Control using Git and GitHub, Troubleshooting, Testing, Debugging, and Configuration Management are other topics covered in the certificate program.

The final course in the Certification was my favorite. Everything covered is put to the test and you’re tasked with five real world coding problems.

I’d recommend this course for anyone looking to learn more about coding Python.