In late 2022, I decided to learn Go. The initial desire to learn Go started after I chose the Hugo Framework for Smig Tech. Hugo is an open-source framework written in Go that has broad customization options. I’d need to know Go if I decide to create my own hugo plugin. 😄

You may not know this, but Kubernetes and many cloud-native applications are Go apps.

Go is a modern language, and since many cloud-native apps are written in Go, an understanding of Go, at any level, is beneficial to DevOps and cloud engineers.

Go, also known as Golang, is an open-source, compiled, and statically typed programming language designed by Google. It is built to be simple, high-performing, readable, and efficient. - FreeCodeCamp

I’ll be sharing resources I’m using on my journey of learning Go. Go is not my first programming language, but I know it may be yours, so I’ll include some beginner-friendly resources. Go is very easy to pick up as a first language, so don’t be intimidated!

Go’s docs

One of the best places to begin the learning journey is Go’s official Learn documentation. You’ll find information on how to install Go, create modules, and more.

  • Learn tab - Many learning resources available. Start with a tour of Go, and visit the go playground to practice, and beginner friendly if you’re new to coding.
  • Go by example - Great reference for quick help with different Go concepts.
  • Gophercises - Go + exercises = Gophercises. Great way to get your feet wet and learn more Go concepts. This course includes videos and student answer submissions.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning access is free with a library card. These courses will get your feet wet with some fun problem-solving.

  • Hands-on intro: Go - Recommend starting here to learn the basics of Go. The instructor is great and offers practical challenges at the end of the lesson. It also makes use of GitHub codespaces
  • Level up Go skills - Put into practice everything learned in the course above. This course is also available in GitHub codespaces


This platform has many user-submitted developer articles on Go and even an official course.


FreeCodeCamp is always worth mentioning—great free content to learn more about coding. The tutorial for beginners is a great starting point if Go is your first language. You’ll know what data structures are and how to use them in Go.


KodeKloud is a platform that offers DevOps training with labs included. (Affiliate links)

  • Go For Beginners - Great to learn the syntax of Go, but there may be better options for someone new to programming.
  • Advanced Go - Disclaimer: I have not taken this course, but it’s on my list.

Final thoughts

If you’re on the path to learning Golang, I hope you find these resources helpful. Please share additional resources to learn Go!

A great way to learn is to begin building stuff in Go. Knowing DSA is excellent, but building projects will teach the application of the DSA and problem-solving. Have fun with it.